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    Evaluación de la producción y descomposición de hojarasca en el remanente de bosque " el espejo" de la universidad de Ibagué
    (Universidad de Ibagué, 2021) Reyes Rodríguez, Andrés Felipe; Salguero Londoño, Blanca Myriam
    En el presente estudio se evaluó la caída y descomposición de la hojarasca en el remanente de bosque "El Espejo" de la Universidad de Ibagué, dichos procesos forman un estrato en el suelo, cubriéndolo y protegiéndolo de los cambios climáticos, aporta humedad y es la principal fuente de nutrientes al suelo. La descomposicón de la materia orgánica es vital para el mantenimiento de la vida, ya que es el único proceso que permite el reciclaje masivo de elementos químicos a nivel de ecosistemas, permitiendo su renovación y logrando a largo plazo su sosteniblidad. Se empleó metodología de trampas de colección de hojarasca 6 en total, y bolsas de descomposicón "litera bags" 6 por cada punto evaluado, 36 en total. La hojarasca recolectada fue separa en fracciones foliar, leñosa, reproductiva y miscelánea, dando como resultado una desposición de hojarasca "Alta" y una tasa de descomposicón de hojarasca "Media" en el remanente de bosque "El Espejo" de la Universidad de Ibagué.
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    Evaluación de la calidad atmosférica en zonas de tráfico vehicular y zonas verdes en el municipio de Melgar-Tolima, por medio de índices basados en comunidades liquénicas
    (Universidad de Ibagué., 2019) Villarraga Arteaga, Carolina; Sánchez Angarita, Daniela; Moreno Palacios, Miguel; Torres Benítez, Alfredo José
    Lichens are organisms constituted by the symbiotic association between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacterium. They are characterized because they have no root or cuticle acquiring all nutrients by direct exposure of the atmosphere, for this reason they are very effective air quality bioindicators. The objective of this research was to evaluate the atmospheric quality in vehicular traffic areas and green areas of the municipality of Melgar-Tolima, through indexes based on lichens communities. For this, were selected 10 green zones (ZV) and 10 vehicular traffic zones (ZTV) collecting the lichens species present in each forophyte. The most abundant species were Pyxine pyxinoides (3014 cm2), Crypthotecia sp.3 (2102 cm2) and Crypthotecia sp.1 (1756 cm2). To perform the atmospheric quality assessment of the ZV and ZTV, the Lichens Diversity Index (LDV) was used which showed that the ZV had the highest value. The Atmospheric Purity Index (IPA) modified by Jaramillo and Botero showed that the ZV had a higher value than the ZTV, this same result was evidenced in the IPA index of Le Blanc and Sloover, where it was determined by general linear models that there is a significant difference between the two zones. In addition, the parameters of humidity, temperature, DAP, elevation and height were determined, likewise, the Shannon, Margalef and Dominance indexes were used, where Shannon and Margalef revealed higher values in the ZV, while Dominance was in the ZTV where higher values were presented.
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    Comportamiento depredador en machos y hembras de Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. PICKARD CAMBRIDGE, 1897), bajo condiciones de laboratorio
    (Universidad de Ibagué., 2019) Ospina Fernández, Felipe; Franco Pérez, Lida Marcela; Valenzuela Rojas, Juan Carlos
    Phoneutria genus is among of the most dangerous spider in the world and its distribution from the Costa Rican jungle to northern Argentina, where those responsible for human accidents are its aggressive behavior and poison toxicity. Different studies have analyzed poison toxins from these areas. In spiders, predator behavior is closely linked to toxicity, taking into account that poison along with silk are mainly the mechanisms used to capture prey. Recently it was shown that the presence of certain specific toxins in some spiders of the genus Latrodectus obey to the capture of prey as vertebrates. However, few works have addressed spider toxicity in diet function, ignoring the action of venom in natural prey. The present work aimed to analyze the predatory behavior of Phoneutria boliviensis. The great distribution of the genus in Colombia. Considering that, the toxicity can vary according to sex. 20 males and 20 females will be used to which different types of prey (invertebrates / vertebrates) will be supplied randomly. Acceptance prey, immobilization times and capture behavior between the sexes and the level of the different dams were compared. We found that P. boliviensis is a generalist spider that consumes both invertebrates and vertebrates in laboratory conditions. In addition, their predatory behavior seems not to be stereotyped and different between sexes.
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    Estado y manejo de las zonas verdes del campus de la Universidad de Ibagué
    (Universidad de Ibagué., 2019) Duque Orjuela, María Camila; Torres, Alfredo José; Rivera, María Alejandra
    In the present work was carried out a study of the state and management of green areas of the campus of the University of Ibagué, the university has a total of green areas of the campus of 2.7 ha, and 2.5 ha forest area made up of areas of different sizes and biological conditions The present work was developed in three phases: collection phase, diagnostic phase and analysis, and projective phase. In the first phase, the collection of relevant information from primary and secondary sources was carried out; collection of field information, which was organized, processed and later the different green zones were identified. In the second phase, the information was consolidated, the state of these zones was determined, a zoning map was elaborated and the social component was analyzed; in the third phase, guidelines were established for the management of the areas, a series of activities or alternatives that promote the conservation and preservation of all the green zones of the campus.
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    Diversidad funcional del ensamblaje de aves y su relación con variables del paisaje de seis reservas naturales en Ibagué - Tolima
    (Universidad de Ibagué., 2019) Del Castillo Tellez, Juan Felipe; Diaz Varon, Marlon; Molina Martínez, Yair Guillermo; Moreno Palacios, Miguel
    The functional diversity describes important processes related with ecosystems and therefore this allows us to understand how it works. In this study through standardized monitoring, morphometric measurements of the avian community assembly were made in six natural reserves from Ibague. During the samplings, the composition and structure of the avian community. Additionally were evaluated, morphological measurements of bird species were recorded which allowed the calculation of the functional diversity index like functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve), functional divergence (FDiv), functional dispersion (FDis), Functional specialty (FSpe) and functional originality (FOri). On the other hand, through the GPS the natural reserves were delimited, and indexes of the landscape metrics were obtained like the patches number (NP), patches density (PD), among others. Finally the analyzed variables were contrasted (functional traits, abundance and indexes of landscape metrics), through a RLQ analysis, which despite not presenting significant relationships between the analyzed variables, it allowed us to show some associations between the functional traits of the birds and some landscape variables. In terms of functional diversity, the functional richness was significant in most of the natural reserves, while the landscape was characterized for being homogeneous by the presence of high dense forest (BDA) in every reserve and may be important for the functional development of the avian community.